
FibuLock® Fibular Nail System

The FibuLock fibular nail is a cutting-edge, biologically friendly treatment for ankle fractures. It is inserted into the fibula through a small incision and acts like an internal splint to stabilize the fracture during healing. This minimally invasive technique may reduce wound complications often associated with standard open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) plating techniques.1 The proximal talons allow for stable fixation to restore length, alignment, and rotation. The FibuLock nail is the only system on the market with this capability.

1. Walton DM, Adams SB, Parekh SG. Intramedullary fixation for fractures of the distal fibula. Foot Ankle Int. 2016;37(1):115-123. doi:10.1177/1071100715622392

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KreuLock™ Locking Compression Screws

KreuLock locking compression screws combine the same proven technology found in our Headless Compression FT screws with a locking screw head to provide compression along the screw for treatment of fractures or fusions. Additionally, they are designed to bring the plate to bone. Variable-Stepped Thread Pitch – the screw tip’s wider thread pitch enters the bone faster than trailing threads, gradually compressing the fragments as the screw is advanced Locking Head – mates with existing plates Individual screw and instrument modules for each screw family Available in titanium and stainless steel

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DualCompression Hindfoot Nail

The DualCompression hindfoot fusion nail is intended to facilitate tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis to treat severe foot/ankle deformity, arthritis, instability, and skeletal defects. The superelastic nitinol inner core of the nail provides sustained compression across both joints when instrumentation is removed during bone resorption or joint settling.

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Mini Fragment System

The Mini Fragment System (or “Mini Frag”) is designed to aid in the reduction and fixation of small and long bone trauma injuries. The tray modularity offers screw and plate options in 2.0 mm, 2.4 mm, and 2.7 mm sizes. With a wide array of plates to fit a multitude of trauma needs, the Mini Fragment System is a keystone addition to the Arthrex Trauma portfolio.

Features and Benefits

The Mini Fragment System is indicated for fracture fixation, reconstruction, replantation, stabilization, reduction, fusions, osteotomies, malunions, and nonunions of small bones and small bone fragments including normal and osteopenic bones in adult and adolescent (12-21 years) patients. The system is also indicated for non-load-bearing stabilization and reduction of bone fragments in long bones.

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