Técnica de reparo Brostrom com InternalBrace™

O reparo de Brostrom com o procedimento InternalBrace fornece fixação adicional do ligamento reparado de volta ao osso durante o processo de cicatrização, permitindo mobilidade precoce durante a recuperação e um retorno mais rápido à atividade.1 A técnica cirúrgica InternalBrace 2.0 oferece versatilidade cirúrgica com opções adicionais de tamanho e material . Ele vem com um guia de deslocamento do tálus que permite a colocação anatômica reproduzível da âncora SwiveLock®. Os cirurgiões podem perfurar, bater e implantar a âncora SwiveLock através do guia. A técnica InternalBrace permite que o cirurgião apoie o reparo Brostrom primário de tecido mole ao osso para reparo de instabilidade lateral ou medial do tornozelo e pode ser usado para revisões e lesões crônicas do tornozelo.


1. Kulwin R, Watson TS, Rigby R, Coetzee JC, Vora A. Traditional modified Broström vs suture tape ligament augmentation. Foot Ankle Int. 2021;1071100720976071. doi:10.1177/1071100720976071

A técnica cirúrgica InternalBrace destina-se apenas a aumentar o reparo/reconstrução primário, expandindo a área de aproximação do tecido durante o período de cicatrização e não se destina a substituir o ligamento nativo. A técnica InternalBrace é para uso durante procedimentos de fixação de tecido mole a osso e não está autorizada para fixação osso a osso.

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O reparo de Brostrom com o procedimento InternalBrace fornece fixação adicional do ligamento reparado de volta ao osso durante o processo de cicatrização, permitindo mobilidade precoce durante a recuperação e um retorno mais rápido à atividade.1 A técnica cirúrgica InternalBrace 2.0 oferece versatilidade cirúrgica com opções adicionais de tamanho e material . Ele vem com um guia de deslocamento do tálus que permite a colocação anatômica reproduzível da âncora SwiveLock®. Os cirurgiões podem perfurar, bater e implantar a âncora SwiveLock através do guia. A técnica InternalBrace permite que o cirurgião apoie o reparo Brostrom primário de tecido mole ao osso para reparo de instabilidade lateral ou medial do tornozelo e pode ser usado para revisões e lesões crônicas do tornozelo.


1. Kulwin R, Watson TS, Rigby R, Coetzee JC, Vora A. Traditional modified Broström vs suture tape ligament augmentation. Foot Ankle Int. 2021;1071100720976071. doi:10.1177/1071100720976071

A técnica cirúrgica InternalBrace destina-se apenas a aumentar o reparo/reconstrução primário, expandindo a área de aproximação do tecido durante o período de cicatrização e não se destina a substituir o ligamento nativo. A técnica InternalBrace é para uso durante procedimentos de fixação de tecido mole a osso e não está autorizada para fixação osso a osso.

Veja Mais

InternalBrace™ 2.0 Ligament Augmentation Repair

Vídeos de demonstração de produtos | 01:39 | English | 12/08/2021 | AN1-000059-en-US C

InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair

Variados | 02:49 | English | 02/13/2023 | AN1-000453-en-US B
InternalBrace™ Repair With DX Knotless FiberTak® Anchors
InternalBrace™ Repair With DX Knotless FiberTak® Anchors
Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas | 02:57 | English | 05/12/2023 | AN1-000329-en-US D
InternalBrace™ Procedure for Brostrom Repair
InternalBrace™ Procedure for Brostrom Repair
Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas | English | 10/01/2021 | LT1-000160-en-US C
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Clinical Success
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Clinical Success
Anish R. Kadakia, MD
Apresentação vídeos | 08:55 | English | 07/25/2023 | VID1-002714-en-US C
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Experience in a Military Population
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Experience in a Military Population
Kevin D. Martin, DO
Vídeos apresentações de casos | 05:21 | English | 12/03/2021 | VID1-000369-en-US B
2 Línguas

Guias de técnicas cirúrgicas (3)

Lisfranc Fixation System for InternalBrace™ Repair
Lisfranc Fixation System for InternalBrace™ Repair
English | 04/24/2024 | LT1-00105-EN E
InternalBrace™ Procedure for Brostrom Repair
InternalBrace™ Procedure for Brostrom Repair
English | 10/01/2021 | LT1-000160-en-US C
AITFL InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
AITFL InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
English | 09/17/2021 | LT1-00132-en-US C

Animações de técnicas cirúrgicas (4)

Animações — Educação do paciente (4)

Apresentação vídeos (18)

InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Clinical Success
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Clinical Success
Anish R. Kadakia, MD
08:55 | English | 07/25/2023 | VID1-002714-en-US C
A Prospective Randomized Look Into InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
A Prospective Randomized Look Into InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
Anand Vora, MD
08:21 | English | 02/18/2020 | VID1-000758-en-US A
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation in 2019: Where Are We Now?
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation in 2019: Where Are We Now?
Anish R. Kadakia, MD
06:05 | English | 05/01/2019 | VID1-000268-en-US A
How InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Has Changed My Rehab and RTS
How InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Has Changed My Rehab and RTS
David I. Pedowitz, MD
07:49 | English | 07/06/2018 | VID1-01363-EN A
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation: Getting Athletes Back in the Game
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation: Getting Athletes Back in the Game
Troy S. Watson, MD
10:31 | English | 04/19/2018 | VID1-01344-EN B
Ankle Fixation with the Arthrex Ankle Set
Ankle Fixation with the Arthrex Ankle Set
John T. Riehl, MD
05:13 | English | 04/11/2018 | VPT1-00995-EN B
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Changing Orthopedics
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Changing Orthopedics
Gordon Mackay, MD
24:49 | English | 03/29/2018 | VPT1-00776-EN C
Lisfranc Repair with Lisfranc InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Implant System
Lisfranc Repair with Lisfranc InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Implant System
Lorenzo Gamez, MD
04:21 | English | 01/03/2018 | VPT1-00937-EN A
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for the Treatment of Ankle Instability
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for the Treatment of Ankle Instability
Ryan B. Rigby, DPM
Presentation Videos | 11:57 | English | 10/10/2017 | VPT1-00905-EN A
Common Questions Regarding InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
Common Questions Regarding InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
Gordon Mackay, MD
Presentation Videos | 06:59 | English | 06/30/2017 | VPT1-00777-EN A
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for ATFL Repair
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for ATFL Repair
Norman E. Waldrop III, MD
Presentation Videos | 04:48 | English | 05/10/2017 | VPT1-00875-EN A
Augmented Brostrom Post-Op Protocol
Augmented Brostrom Post-Op Protocol
J. Chris Coetzee, MD
Presentation Videos | 05:00 | English | 04/19/2017 | VID1-00999-EN B
Foot and Ankle Innovation for Sports Surgeons: Lateral Ankle Instability
Foot and Ankle Innovation for Sports Surgeons: Lateral Ankle Instability
Kent Ellington, MD, MS
Presentation Videos | 07:13 | English | 05/06/2016 | VPT1-00255-EN A
Lateral Ankle Instability: InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation and Allograft Reconstruction
Lateral Ankle Instability: InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation and Allograft Reconstruction
Thomas O. Clanton, MD
Presentation Videos | 42:21 | English | 10/19/2015 | VPT1-00550-EN A
Arthrex Foot & Ankle Innovation for Sports Surgeons
Arthrex Foot & Ankle Innovation for Sports Surgeons
Steve Martin, MD
Presentation Videos | 19:51 | English | 07/28/2014 | VPT1-00246-EN A
InternalBrace™ Augmented Repair for Lateral Injuries of the Ankle
InternalBrace™ Augmented Repair for Lateral Injuries of the Ankle
James McWilliam, MD
Presentation Videos | 12:48 | English | 05/05/2014 | VPT1-00135-EN A
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair for Brostrom and Achilles Ligament Augmentation Repair
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair for Brostrom and Achilles Ligament Augmentation Repair
Gordon Mackay, MD
Presentation Videos | 07:33 | English | 03/07/2014 | VPT1-00214-EN A
The InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
The InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
Gordon Mackay, MD
Presentation Videos | 11:45 | English | 05/06/2013 | VPT1-0031-EN A

Atualizações científicas (1)

Boletins para cirurgiões (2)

Scope This Out Volume 26 Number 1
Scope This Out Volume 26 Number 1
English | 02/27/2025 | LN1-000623-en-US A

Brochuras (11)

Catálogos (1)

Kits de recursos digitais (1)

AnkleSprain.com Patient Outreach and Education Resources
AnkleSprain.com Patient Outreach and Education Resources
English | 04/04/2024 | DOC1-000339-en-US D

Literatura para a educação do paciente (1)

InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
English | 05/08/2018 | LPG1-00011-EN B

Testemunhos (2)

Knotless Ankle Instability Repair Using the InternalBrace™ Technique and DX Knotless FiberTak® Anchors
Knotless Ankle Instability Repair Using the InternalBrace™ Technique and DX Knotless FiberTak® Anchors
Norman E. Waldrop III, MD
00:46 | English | 07/14/2023 | VID1-004009-en-US A
What I Have Learned From 400 Broström InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentations
What I Have Learned From 400 Broström InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentations
Siddhartha Sharma, DPM
03:11 | English | 08/02/2019 | VID1-000177-en-US B

Testemunhos de pacientes (3)

Variados (2)

InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
02:49 | English | 02/13/2023 | AN1-000453-en-US B
Attention: Sports Medicine Surgeons!
Attention: Sports Medicine Surgeons!
English | 07/13/2017 | MIS1-00232-EN B

Vídeo séries (2)

BreakThrough™ with Chris Adams, MD - Episode 2: InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
BreakThrough™ with Chris Adams, MD - Episode 2: InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
Troy S. Watson, MD | J. Chris Coetzee, MD | Christopher Adams, MD | Gordon Mackay, MD
22:40 | English | 05/10/2017 | VPT1-00585-EN B
BreakThrough™ with Chris Adams, MD - Episode 4: InternalBrace™ for Sports Surgeons
BreakThrough™ with Chris Adams, MD - Episode 4: InternalBrace™ for Sports Surgeons
Christopher Adams, MD
29:13 | English | 05/02/2016 | VPT1-00642-EN A

Vídeos apresentações de casos (10)

InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure for AITFL Repair
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure for AITFL Repair
Lorenzo Gamez, MD
03:03 | English | 01/10/2022 | VPT1-00939-en-US B
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure for Lateral Ankle Instability
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure for Lateral Ankle Instability
Joshua Metzl, MD
03:32 | English | 12/17/2021 | VID1-00816-en-US D
AIFTL and ATFL InternalBrace™ Repair With Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Fixation
AIFTL and ATFL InternalBrace™ Repair With Syndesmosis TightRope® XP Fixation
Richard Lamour, MD
05:10 | English | 12/10/2021 | VID1-000070-en-US B
Acute Ankle Dislocation Case Presentation
Acute Ankle Dislocation Case Presentation
Norman E. Waldrop III, MD
05:56 | English | 12/09/2021 | VPT1-00987-en-US B
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Experience in a Military Population
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Experience in a Military Population
Kevin D. Martin, DO
05:21 | English | 12/03/2021 | VID1-000369-en-US B
Ligament-Specific Fixation for Syndesmosis Injuries
Ligament-Specific Fixation for Syndesmosis Injuries
Thomas G. Harris, MD
02:42 | English | 11/29/2021 | VID1-000587-en-US B
Lisfranc Injury Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Lisfranc Injury Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Eric Giza, MD
04:45 | English | 11/29/2021 | VPT1-00729-en-US B
InternalBrace™ Deltoid Augmentation Procedure Associated With Ankle Fracture
InternalBrace™ Deltoid Augmentation Procedure Associated With Ankle Fracture
Ryan B. Rigby, DPM
Case Presentation Videos | 04:59 | English | 11/23/2021 | VID1-000082-en-US B
AITFL Case Presentation
AITFL Case Presentation
Siddhartha Sharma, DPM
Case Presentation Videos | 03:07 | English | 11/16/2021 | VID1-000175-en-US C

Vídeos de demonstração de produtos (1)

InternalBrace™ 2.0 Ligament Augmentation Repair
InternalBrace™ 2.0 Ligament Augmentation Repair
01:39 | English | 12/08/2021 | AN1-000059-en-US C

Vídeos de técnicas cirúrgicas (17)

InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair: Spring Ligament Surgical Technique
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair: Spring Ligament Surgical Technique
Jorge I. Acevedo, MD
03:03 | English | 12/30/2021 | VID1-003045-en-US A
Brostrom and Achilles Tendon Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
Brostrom and Achilles Tendon Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
Gordon Mackay, MD
04:37 | English | 12/30/2021 | VID1-00103-en-US B
Lisfranc ORIF With the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Lisfranc ORIF With the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Eric Giza, MD
04:13 | English | 12/30/2021 | VPT1-00577-en-US C
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair in Conjunction With Open Brostrom Surgical Technique
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair in Conjunction With Open Brostrom Surgical Technique
Nicholas T. Gates, MD
10:08 | English | 12/20/2021 | VID1-0492-en-US B
Lisfranc Injury Repair With the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Lisfranc Injury Repair With the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Kirk A. McCullough, MD
04:07 | English | 11/24/2021 | VID1-000030-en-US C
Brostrom Repair With InternalBrace™ 2.0 Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Brostrom Repair With InternalBrace™ 2.0 Ligament Augmentation Procedure
James McWilliam, MD
04:21 | English | 11/24/2021 | VID1-000636-en-US B
AITFL Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure in a Weber C Ankle Fracture
AITFL Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure in a Weber C Ankle Fracture
Justin Fleming, DPM
07:40 | English | 11/24/2021 | VID1-01077-en-US B
Lisfranc Repair With the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Lisfranc Repair With the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Lorenzo Gamez, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 03:57 | English | 11/23/2021 | VPT1-00942-en-US B
Dorsal Approach to Turf Toe Repair Using the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Dorsal Approach to Turf Toe Repair Using the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Richard Lamour, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 06:48 | English | 11/16/2021 | VID1-000071-en-US D
Stage II Flatfoot Reconstruction
Stage II Flatfoot Reconstruction
Karl M. Schweitzer Jr, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 26:31 | English | 11/16/2021 | VID1-000740-en-US B
ATFL and CFL with InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
ATFL and CFL with InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair
Lorenzo Gamez, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 07:12 | English | 11/05/2021 | VPT1-00938-en-US B
AITFL InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for Weber B, Weber C and Ligamentous Syndesmosis Injuries
AITFL InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for Weber B, Weber C and Ligamentous Syndesmosis Injuries
Lorenzo Gamez, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 05:51 | English | 11/05/2021 | VPT1-00940-en-US B
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for Lateral Ankle Repair
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for Lateral Ankle Repair
Gordon Mackay, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 01:25 | English | 11/03/2021 | VID1-00011-en-US C
Superior Peroneal Retinaculum (SPR) Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
Superior Peroneal Retinaculum (SPR) Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
Richard Lamour, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 06:57 | English | 10/28/2021 | VID1-000072-en-US B
Syndesmosis Repair With TightRope® Fixation and AITFL Ligament Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
Syndesmosis Repair With TightRope® Fixation and AITFL Ligament Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation
Steve Martin, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 08:35 | English | 10/13/2021 | VID1-00769-EN B
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for Lateral Ankle Instability (Insertion Order Talus to Fibula)
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation for Lateral Ankle Instability (Insertion Order Talus to Fibula)
Thomas O. Clanton, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 08:13 | English | 04/19/2017 | VID1-00448-EN C

Vídeos do segmento do cirurgião (1)

InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Clinical Research
InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure: Clinical Research
Michael Karnes | Joshua Metzl, MD
04:46 | English | 01/10/2022 | VID1-00365-en-US B