Técnica CuffMend™ para manguito rotador

El sistema CuffMend proporciona un enfoque eficiente y simplificado para aumentar los desgarros del manguito rotador de espesor parcial y total. El sistema emplea los beneficios de un aloinjerto dérmico grueso ArthroFlex, que proporciona resistencia mecánica y favorece la cicatrización.1,2 Introduzca el injerto utilizando el esparcidor de injerto y use el implante FiberStitch™ para lograr la fijación medial del tejido blando al tendón del manguito rotador. Utilice anclas PushLock® autoperforantes, que abarquen el injerto sobre la huella de la tuberosidad, para la fijación ósea lateral. La implantación del sistema CuffMend está diseñada para completarse en menos de 10 minutos. La literatura científica respalda el uso de injertos dérmicos acelulares como una solución segura y eficaz para el aumento del manguito rotador.3


1. Ely EE, Figueroa NM, Gilot GJ. Biomechanical analysis of rotator cuff repairs with extracellular matrix graft augmentation. Orthopedics. 2014;37(9):608-614. doi:10.3928/01477447-20140825-05.

2. Smith MJ, Bozynski CC, Kuroki K, Cook CR, Stoker AM, Cook JL. Comparison of biologic scaffolds for augmentation of partial rotator cuff tears in a canine model. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020;29(8):1573-1583. doi:10.1016/j.jse.2019.11.028.

3. Gilot GJ, Alvarez-Pinzon AM, Barcksdale L, Westerdahl D, Krill M, Peck E. Outcome of large to massive rotator cuff tears repaired with and without extracellular matrix augmentation: a prospective comparative study. Arthroscopy. 2015;31(8):1459-1465. doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2015.02.03.

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El sistema CuffMend proporciona un enfoque eficiente y simplificado para aumentar los desgarros del manguito rotador de espesor parcial y total. El sistema emplea los beneficios de un aloinjerto dérmico grueso ArthroFlex, que proporciona resistencia mecánica y favorece la cicatrización.1,2 Introduzca el injerto utilizando el esparcidor de injerto y use el implante FiberStitch™ para lograr la fijación medial del tejido blando al tendón del manguito rotador. Utilice anclas PushLock® autoperforantes, que abarquen el injerto sobre la huella de la tuberosidad, para la fijación ósea lateral. La implantación del sistema CuffMend está diseñada para completarse en menos de 10 minutos. La literatura científica respalda el uso de injertos dérmicos acelulares como una solución segura y eficaz para el aumento del manguito rotador.3


1. Ely EE, Figueroa NM, Gilot GJ. Biomechanical analysis of rotator cuff repairs with extracellular matrix graft augmentation. Orthopedics. 2014;37(9):608-614. doi:10.3928/01477447-20140825-05.

2. Smith MJ, Bozynski CC, Kuroki K, Cook CR, Stoker AM, Cook JL. Comparison of biologic scaffolds for augmentation of partial rotator cuff tears in a canine model. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020;29(8):1573-1583. doi:10.1016/j.jse.2019.11.028.

3. Gilot GJ, Alvarez-Pinzon AM, Barcksdale L, Westerdahl D, Krill M, Peck E. Outcome of large to massive rotator cuff tears repaired with and without extracellular matrix augmentation: a prospective comparative study. Arthroscopy. 2015;31(8):1459-1465. doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2015.02.03.

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Rotator Cuff Healing Index (RoHI) Risk Factors

Almost 1 in 5 people fail to heal their primary rotator cuff repair. Many factors influence the risk of failure in tendon healing. A 15-point scoring index (RoHI) was developed to predict healing of the rotator cuff and allows for consideration of when to use graft augmentation to improve biomechanical strength and tendon healing.¹


1. Kwon J, Kim SH, Lee YH, Kim TI, Oh JH. The Rotator Cuff Healing Index: a new scoring system to predict rotator cuff healing after surgical repair. Am J Sports Med. 2019;47(1):173-180. doi:10.1177/0363546518810763

CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System Features and Benefits

Videos de demostración de productos | 02:35 | English | 10/02/2024 | AN1-000547-en-US A

CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation Using Knotless SwiveLock® Anchors for Lateral Fixation

Stephen Brockmeier, MD
Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas | 08:18 | English | 10/16/2024 | VID1-005866-en-US A
CuffMend™ Surgical Technique Featuring FiberStitch™ RC
CuffMend™ Surgical Technique Featuring FiberStitch™ RC
Patrick J. Denard, MD
Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas | 05:43 | English | 05/29/2024 | VID1-004108-en-US B
CuffMend™ Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair With FiberStitch™ RC Implant
CuffMend™ Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair With FiberStitch™ RC Implant
Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA
Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas | 06:39 | English | 12/03/2024 | VID1-004258-en-US A
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation System
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation System
Animaciones de técnicas quirúrgicas | 03:04 | English | 02/07/2024 | AN1-000270-en-US D
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System
Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas | English | 01/04/2024 | LT1-000201-en-US E

Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas (7)

Posterior-Approach CuffMend™ Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair With FiberStitch™ RC
Posterior-Approach CuffMend™ Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair With FiberStitch™ RC
Christopher T. Donaldson, MD
05:38 | English | 12/10/2024 | VID1-004077-en-US A
CuffMend™ Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair With FiberStitch™ RC Implant
CuffMend™ Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair With FiberStitch™ RC Implant
Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA
06:39 | English | 12/03/2024 | VID1-004258-en-US A
Graft Preparation for CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System
Graft Preparation for CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System
Thomas J. Kovack, DO
03:17 | English | 10/21/2024 | VID1-002384-en-US B
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation Using Knotless SwiveLock® Anchors for Lateral Fixation
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation Using Knotless SwiveLock® Anchors for Lateral Fixation
Stephen Brockmeier, MD
08:18 | English | 10/16/2024 | VID1-005866-en-US A
Graft Preparation for CuffMend™ Posterior Approach
Graft Preparation for CuffMend™ Posterior Approach
02:28 | English | 10/14/2024 | VID1-006070-en-US A
CuffMend™ Surgical Technique Featuring FiberStitch™ RC
CuffMend™ Surgical Technique Featuring FiberStitch™ RC
Patrick J. Denard, MD
05:43 | English | 05/29/2024 | VID1-004108-en-US B

Animaciones de técnicas quirúrgicas (1)

CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation System
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Repair Augmentation System
03:04 | English | 02/07/2024 | AN1-000270-en-US D

Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas (1)

CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System
English | 01/04/2024 | LT1-000201-en-US E

Actualizaciones científicas (1)

Atención al cliente (1)

Boletines para cirujanos (3)

Scope This Out Volume 26 Number 1
Scope This Out Volume 26 Number 1
English | 02/27/2025 | LN1-000623-en-US A
Scope This Out Volume 25, Number 01
Scope This Out Volume 25, Number 01
English | 02/09/2024 | LN1-000570-en-US A
Scope This Out, Volume 23, Number 1
Scope This Out, Volume 23, Number 1
English | 03/14/2022 | LN1-000401-en-US A

Catálogos (1)

Datos breves (1)

Predictive Healing Score for Decision-Making
Predictive Healing Score for Decision-Making
English | 07/03/2023 | DOC1-000787-en-US B

Folletos (1)

New Product Spotlight - Shoulder Innovations | 2024
New Product Spotlight - Shoulder Innovations | 2024
English | 01/31/2023 | evBR1-002463-en-US E

Formularios de oficina y documentos de referencia (1)

Guías de codificación (1)

SpeedPearls (3)

SpeedPearl: CuffMend™ Lateral Portal Placement
SpeedPearl: CuffMend™ Lateral Portal Placement
Patrick J. Denard, MD
00:41 | English | 04/30/2024 | VID1-004109-en-US A

Video presentaciones (2)

Graft Augmentation of Repairable Rotator Cuff Tears: An Algorithmic Approach Based on Healing Rates
Graft Augmentation of Repairable Rotator Cuff Tears: An Algorithmic Approach Based on Healing Rates
Patrick J. Denard, MD
09:16 | English | 08/29/2023 | VID1-003194-en-US A
Evidence for Rotator Cuff Augmentation With ECM
Evidence for Rotator Cuff Augmentation With ECM
Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA
09:45 | English | 11/18/2021 | VID1-002713-en-US A

Video presentaciones de casos (3)

CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation: Second-Look Surgery at 6 Weeks
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation: Second-Look Surgery at 6 Weeks
Misty Suri, MD
04:31 | English | 01/31/2025 | VID1-006690-en-US A
My First 300 CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation Cases
My First 300 CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation Cases
Misty Suri, MD
01:50 | English | 01/17/2025 | VID1-006689-en-US A
When to Consider CuffMend™ Augmentation in Patients With a Lower RoHI Score
When to Consider CuffMend™ Augmentation in Patients With a Lower RoHI Score
Patrick J. Denard, MD
05:33 | English | 09/13/2024 | VID1-006527-en-US A

Videos de demostración de productos (1)

CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System Features and Benefits
CuffMend™ Rotator Cuff Augmentation System Features and Benefits
02:35 | English | 10/02/2024 | AN1-000547-en-US A
Información de servicio al clienteInformación sobre el Látex