
Mit dem SpeedBridge-Implantatsystem stehen in einem einzigen Set alle Implantate und sämtliches Nahtmaterial zur Verfügung, die für die Durchführung einer Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion in SpeedBridge-Technik erforderlich sind. Komfort und Effizienz im OP wird dadurch erheblich gesteigert. Die BioComposite-SpeedBridge-Implantatsysteme beinhalten perforierte 4.75 mm BioComposite-SwiveLock™-Anker mit vorgeladenen FiberTape®-Schlingen, die einen einfachen Fadendurchzug an der medialen Reihe ermöglichen, sowie entweder einen 4.75 mm BioComposite-SwiveLock C oder einen selbststanzenden 5.5 mm BioComposite-SwiveLock SP für die laterale Reihe. Der benötigte Punch ist in der Sterilverpackung enthalten.

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Mit dem SpeedBridge-Implantatsystem stehen in einem einzigen Set alle Implantate und sämtliches Nahtmaterial zur Verfügung, die für die Durchführung einer Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion in SpeedBridge-Technik erforderlich sind. Komfort und Effizienz im OP wird dadurch erheblich gesteigert. Die BioComposite-SpeedBridge-Implantatsysteme beinhalten perforierte 4.75 mm BioComposite-SwiveLock™-Anker mit vorgeladenen FiberTape®-Schlingen, die einen einfachen Fadendurchzug an der medialen Reihe ermöglichen, sowie entweder einen 4.75 mm BioComposite-SwiveLock C oder einen selbststanzenden 5.5 mm BioComposite-SwiveLock SP für die laterale Reihe. Der benötigte Punch ist in der Sterilverpackung enthalten.

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SpeedBridge™ Repair With Knotless Medial Pulley

Paul C. Brady, MD
Videos - OP-Anleitung | 16:21 | English | 02/22/2021 | VID1-001308-en-US B

Compression SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair

James P. Bradley, MD
Case Presentation - Videos | 04:59 | English | 04/15/2022 | VID1-002912-en-US A
Cowboy Way Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy: Double-Row Repair—Why and How?
Cowboy Way Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy: Double-Row Repair—Why and How?
Katherine Burns, MD
Presentation Videos | 10:23 | English | 04/26/2022 | VID1-002548-en-US A
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair With Medial Ripstop Sutures and Knotless SwiveLock® Anchor
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair With Medial Ripstop Sutures and Knotless SwiveLock® Anchor
Lee Kaplan, MD
Videos - OP-Anleitung | 06:04 | English | 03/10/2021 | VID1-000709-en-US B
Expansion SpeedBridge™ Repair for Massive Rotator Cuff Tear
Expansion SpeedBridge™ Repair for Massive Rotator Cuff Tear
Ilya Voloshin, MD
Case Presentation - Videos | 06:30 | English | 02/22/2021 | VID1-000553-en-US A
SpeedBridge™ Knotless Rotator Cuff Repair
SpeedBridge™ Knotless Rotator Cuff Repair
OP-Anleitungen | English | 01/08/2024 | LT1-000170-en-US D

Videos - OP-Anleitung (12)

SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair With Knotless SwiveLock® Anchors and AlloSync™ Buttons
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair With Knotless SwiveLock® Anchors and AlloSync™ Buttons
Patrick A. Smith, MD
07:23 | English | 03/10/2021 | VID1-000305-en-US E
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair With Medial Ripstop Sutures and Knotless SwiveLock® Anchor
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair With Medial Ripstop Sutures and Knotless SwiveLock® Anchor
Lee Kaplan, MD
06:04 | English | 03/10/2021 | VID1-000709-en-US B
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Using Tensionable Knotless SwiveLock® Anchors
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Using Tensionable Knotless SwiveLock® Anchors
Stephen S. Burkhart, MD
12:49 | English | 02/25/2021 | VID1-000081-en-US D
SpeedBridge™ Repair With Knotless Medial Pulley
SpeedBridge™ Repair With Knotless Medial Pulley
Paul C. Brady, MD
16:21 | English | 02/22/2021 | VID1-001308-en-US B
SpeedBridge™ Canopy Augmentation Technique With ArthroFLEX® Dermal Allograft
SpeedBridge™ Canopy Augmentation Technique With ArthroFLEX® Dermal Allograft
Alan M. Hirahara, FRCS, MD
04:11 | English | 02/12/2021 | VID1-000724-en-US A
Bursal Acromial Reconstruction for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
Bursal Acromial Reconstruction for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
Matt Ravenscroft, FRCS, MBBS
07:21 | English | 05/22/2020 | VID1-000621-en-US A
Infraspinatus Tear With Reverse HAGL
Infraspinatus Tear With Reverse HAGL
Andy P. Hartman, MD
04:16 | English | 08/27/2019 | VID1-000202-en-US A
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Using the SpeedBridge™ Implant System
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Using the SpeedBridge™ Implant System
Peter J. Millett, MD, MS
Surgical Technique Videos | 10:23 | English | 01/05/2015 | VID1-00219-EN B
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Cadaveric Demonstration
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Cadaveric Demonstration
Stephen S. Burkhart, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 10:05 | English | 05/30/2014 | VID1-00133-EN A
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Augmented with ArthroFlex®  Decellularized Dermis
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Augmented with ArthroFlex® Decellularized Dermis
Alan M. Hirahara, FRCS, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 05:09 | English | 05/22/2014 | VID1-0823-EN B
BioBridge® Rotator Cuff Repair Augmented with DX Reinforcement Matrix
BioBridge® Rotator Cuff Repair Augmented with DX Reinforcement Matrix
Alan M. Hirahara, FRCS, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 07:42 | English | 05/19/2014 | VID1-00091-EN A

OP-Anleitung Animationen (1)

SpeedBridge™ Repair
SpeedBridge™ Repair
02:24 | English | 07/27/2017 | AN1-0219-EN C

OP-Anleitungen (4)

Animationen für die Patientenaufklärung (1)

Rotator Cuff Repair with SpeedBridge™ Technique
Rotator Cuff Repair with SpeedBridge™ Technique
02:39 | English | 08/21/2017 | PAN1-0219-EN E

Broschüren (1)

New Product Spotlight - Shoulder Innovations | 2024
New Product Spotlight - Shoulder Innovations | 2024
English | 01/31/2023 | evBR1-002463-en-US E

Case Presentation - Videos (2)

Expansion SpeedBridge™ Repair for Massive Rotator Cuff Tear
Expansion SpeedBridge™ Repair for Massive Rotator Cuff Tear
Ilya Voloshin, MD
06:30 | English | 02/22/2021 | VID1-000553-en-US A
Strength and Reliability of the SpeedBridge™ Repair
Strength and Reliability of the SpeedBridge™ Repair
Peter J. Millett, MD, MS
06:31 | English | 11/16/2017 | VPT1-00870-EN B

Chirurgen-Newsletter (1)

Scope This Out - Volume 22, Number 1
Scope This Out - Volume 22, Number 1
English | 06/03/2021 | LN1-000317-en-US A

Kataloge (1)

Kodierungsleitfaden (2)

Presentation Videos (12)

Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair Using the GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector
Augmented Rotator Cuff Repair Using the GraftNet™ Autologous Tissue Collector
James Gregory, MD
06:21 | English | 04/26/2022 | VID1-000905-en-US B
Cowboy Way Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy: Double-Row Repair—Why and How?
Cowboy Way Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy: Double-Row Repair—Why and How?
Katherine Burns, MD
10:23 | English | 04/26/2022 | VID1-002548-en-US A
Long-Term Outcomes With Knotless, Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repair
Long-Term Outcomes With Knotless, Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repair
Katherine Burns, MD
10:03 | English | 05/01/2020 | VID1-001011-en-US A
New Techniques in Arthroscopic Subscapularis Repair
New Techniques in Arthroscopic Subscapularis Repair
Tal S. David, MD
09:54 | English | 08/13/2019 | VID1-000245-en-US A
Expanding the SpeedBridge™ Repair
Expanding the SpeedBridge™ Repair
Kyle Anderson, MD
09:44 | English | 03/04/2019 | VPT1-01060-EN B
Biomechanics of Single-Row vs Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repair
Biomechanics of Single-Row vs Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repair
Paul Sethi, MD
12:52 | English | 03/26/2018 | VPT1-01009-EN B
Revision Rotator Cuff Repair Principles and Mobilization Techniques
Revision Rotator Cuff Repair Principles and Mobilization Techniques
Paul C. Brady, MD
08:47 | English | 01/26/2018 | VPT1-00935-EN A
Identifying and Managing Subscapularis Tears
Identifying and Managing Subscapularis Tears
Anthony A. Romeo, MD
16:19 | English | 09/07/2017 | VPT1-00874-EN A
SpeedBridge™ Knotless Double Row Rotator Cuff Repair
SpeedBridge™ Knotless Double Row Rotator Cuff Repair
Peter J. Millett, MD, MS
Presentation Videos | 13:23 | English | 06/12/2017 | VPT1-00803-EN A
Double Row Rotator Cuff Repair
Double Row Rotator Cuff Repair
Asheesh Bedi, MD
Presentation Videos | 11:09 | English | 11/29/2016 | VPT1-00703-EN B
Knot Tying Studies
Knot Tying Studies
Bryan Hanypsiak, MD
Presentation Videos | 14:16 | English | 03/22/2013 | VPT1-0001-EN A
Rotator Cuff Allograft: Augmentation and Bridging Technique
Rotator Cuff Allograft: Augmentation and Bridging Technique
Bryan Hanypsiak, MD
Presentation Videos | 13:31 | English | 11/06/2009 | VID1-003552-en-US A

Produktdemonstrationsvideos (1)

Single Row vs SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair: The PASTA Effect
Single Row vs SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair: The PASTA Effect
Christopher Adams, MD
02:37 | English | 04/17/2018 | VID1-00807-EN C

White Papers (1)