Arthrex Amnion™-Matrix

Arthrex Amnion-Matrix ist reich an Wachstumsfaktoren und unterstützt aufgrund seiner regenerativen Fähigkeiten die natürlichen Heileigenschaften von Amnion. Es wird als anatomische Barriere oder Umhüllung bei verschiedenen orthopädischen Anwendungen eingesetzt. Arthrex Amnion bietet wesentlichen biologischen und mechanischen Schutz und beugt gleichzeitig einer Adhäsion vor.1


Kim SS, Sohn SK, Lee KY, Lee MJ, Roh MS, Kim CH. Use of human amniotic membrane wrap in reducing perineural adhesions in a rabbit model of ulnar nerve neurorrhaphy. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2010;35(3):214-219. doi:10.1177/1753193409352410

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Arthrex Amnion-Matrix ist reich an Wachstumsfaktoren und unterstützt aufgrund seiner regenerativen Fähigkeiten die natürlichen Heileigenschaften von Amnion. Es wird als anatomische Barriere oder Umhüllung bei verschiedenen orthopädischen Anwendungen eingesetzt. Arthrex Amnion bietet wesentlichen biologischen und mechanischen Schutz und beugt gleichzeitig einer Adhäsion vor.1


Kim SS, Sohn SK, Lee KY, Lee MJ, Roh MS, Kim CH. Use of human amniotic membrane wrap in reducing perineural adhesions in a rabbit model of ulnar nerve neurorrhaphy. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2010;35(3):214-219. doi:10.1177/1753193409352410

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Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix

Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix

Broschüren | English | 06/25/2021 | LB1-00120-EN C
AmnionXpress™  Delivery Device Surgical Technique

AmnionXpress™ Delivery Device Surgical Technique

OP-Anleitungen | English | 02/16/2021 | LT1-000057-en-US B
Advanced Wound Care Technology
Advanced Wound Care Technology
Broschüren | English | 02/09/2023 | LB1-000363-en-US B
AmnionXpress™ Percutaneous Delivery of an Amnion Streamer Into the Achilles Tendon
AmnionXpress™ Percutaneous Delivery of an Amnion Streamer Into the Achilles Tendon
David Alan Friscia, MD
Videos - OP-Anleitung | 02:36 | English | 11/24/2020 | VID1-001200-en-US A
Peroneal Tendon Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Augmentation
Peroneal Tendon Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Augmentation
James McWilliam, MD
Videos - OP-Anleitung | 06:39 | English | 03/19/2018 | VID1-00986-EN A
AmnionXpress™ Delivery Device
AmnionXpress™ Delivery Device
John M. Tokish, MD
Produktdemonstrationsvideos | 03:19 | English | 01/15/2021 | VID1-000935-en-US A

Videos - OP-Anleitung (11)

Use of Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix in Quad Tendon ACL Reconstruction
Use of Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix in Quad Tendon ACL Reconstruction
Jeremy M. Burnham, MD
06:26 | English | 01/16/2025 | VID1-005775-en-US A
AmnionXpress™ Percutaneous Delivery of an Amnion Streamer Into the Achilles Tendon
AmnionXpress™ Percutaneous Delivery of an Amnion Streamer Into the Achilles Tendon
David Alan Friscia, MD
02:36 | English | 11/24/2020 | VID1-001200-en-US A
Treatment of Patellar Tendinosis With the AmnionXpress™ Delivery Device and Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Treatment of Patellar Tendinosis With the AmnionXpress™ Delivery Device and Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
05:09 | English | 10/14/2020 | VID1-001049-en-US A
Peroneal Tendon Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Augmentation
Peroneal Tendon Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Augmentation
James McWilliam, MD
06:39 | English | 03/19/2018 | VID1-00986-EN A
Midsubstance Achilles Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Wrap
Midsubstance Achilles Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Wrap
James McWilliam, MD
06:29 | English | 03/15/2018 | VID1-00987-EN A
Achilles Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Cadaveric Technique
Achilles Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Cadaveric Technique
James L. Chen, MD
06:42 | English | 01/16/2018 | VPT1-00985-EN A
Primary ACL Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Primary ACL Repair with Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Babak Samimi, MD
07:01 | English | 11/22/2017 | VID1-01110-EN A
Midsubstance Achilles Tendon Repair Augmented with ArthroFLEX® Dermal Allograft and Arthrex Amnion™ Membrane
Midsubstance Achilles Tendon Repair Augmented with ArthroFLEX® Dermal Allograft and Arthrex Amnion™ Membrane
James McWilliam, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 08:19 | English | 08/15/2017 | VID1-00984-EN B
Superficial Peroneal Nerve Decompression Using Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix as a Nerve Wrap
Superficial Peroneal Nerve Decompression Using Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix as a Nerve Wrap
James McWilliam, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 02:58 | English | 08/09/2017 | VID1-00988-EN B
Using Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix to Prevent Adhesion - Ulnar Nerve Transposition
Using Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix to Prevent Adhesion - Ulnar Nerve Transposition
Raffy Mirzayan, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 03:16 | English | 05/04/2017 | VID1-00853-EN B

OP-Anleitungen (1)

AmnionXpress™  Delivery Device Surgical Technique
AmnionXpress™ Delivery Device Surgical Technique
English | 02/16/2021 | LT1-000057-en-US B

Animationen für die Patientenaufklärung (1)

Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
00:40 | English | 06/10/2019 | pAN1-00185-EN A

Broschüren (2)

Advanced Wound Care Technology
Advanced Wound Care Technology
English | 02/09/2023 | LB1-000363-en-US B
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
English | 06/25/2021 | LB1-00120-EN C

Case Presentation - Videos (4)

Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix in Total Knee Replacement
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix in Total Knee Replacement
James D. Miller, DO
03:21 | English | 04/05/2023 | VID1-003717-en-US A
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix in Total Hip Replacement
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix in Total Hip Replacement
James D. Miller, DO
02:31 | English | 03/23/2023 | VID1-003718-en-US A
Proximal Hamstring Avulsion Repair Augmented With Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Proximal Hamstring Avulsion Repair Augmented With Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Matthew Pifer, MD
05:50 | English | 11/12/2020 | VID1-000603-en-US A
All-Inside ACL Reconstruction Augmented With AlloSync™ Pure
All-Inside ACL Reconstruction Augmented With AlloSync™ Pure
Chad Lavender, MD
07:28 | English | 10/06/2020 | VID1-000390-en-US A

Kataloge (1)

Orthobiologics - Next Generation in Biologics Technology
Orthobiologics - Next Generation in Biologics Technology
English | 02/10/2025 | LB1-0804-en-US R

Kodierungsleitfaden (1)

Presentation Videos (4)

Achilles Tendon Repair With Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
Achilles Tendon Repair With Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix
James L. Chen, MD
02:52 | English | 08/30/2018 | VPT1-00984-EN B
Benefits and Indications of Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix for Prevention of Neurofibrosis
Benefits and Indications of Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix for Prevention of Neurofibrosis
Raffy Mirzayan, MD
07:58 | English | 08/22/2017 | VPT1-00852-EN A
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Clinical Indications
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Clinical Indications
Thomas Temple, MD
05:30 | English | 04/07/2017 | VPT1-00645-EN B
Amnion Scientific Background and Recovery Process
Amnion Scientific Background and Recovery Process
Thomas Temple, MD
03:40 | English | 07/06/2016 | VPT1-00647-EN A

Produktdemonstrationsvideos (1)

AmnionXpress™ Delivery Device
AmnionXpress™ Delivery Device
John M. Tokish, MD
03:19 | English | 01/15/2021 | VID1-000935-en-US A

Surgeon Segment Videos (1)

Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Science and Applications
Arthrex Amnion™ Matrix Science and Applications
Christopher Adams, MD | Thomas Temple, MD
05:49 | English | 06/22/2017 | VID1-00794-EN A

Wissenschaftsupdate (1)