
Arthrex, ein Pionier in der Nanoarthroskopie, hat die nächste Generation entworfen – das NanoNeedle Scope. Dank seinem biegsamen Instrumentarium verleiht es Operateur:innen die Flexibilität, um Patient:innen besser behandeln zu können. Das NanoNeedle Scope ist eine Alternative zur MRT-Bildgebung und Second-Look-Arthroskopie und ermöglicht eine präzise, bildgeführte Darstellung von Injektionen.

Eigenschaften des NanoNeedle Scope:

  • Drei verschiedene Längen (125, 180, 250 mm) zur Optimierung der Nanoarthroskopie während unterschiedlichen Eingriffen.
  • Das Design bietet dank der Chip-on-Tip-Technologie und ohne einen herkömmlichen Kamerakopf ein dynamisches, „echtes“ nadelähnliches Gefühl für präzises Manövrieren in allen Gelenkräumen
  • Ergonomischer Kamera-Hub, ähnlich wie bei den SutureLasso-Produkten
  • 0° Blickrichtung, 120° Sichtfeld mit halbstarrem Design, sodass Operateur:innen die Kamerarichtung fühlen und steuern können
  • Optimierte Positionierung der Kamera- und Videoaufnahmetasten auf dem Bildaufnahme-Dongle an einem leichten Kabel 1 m vom NanoNeedle Scope entfernt, wodurch das Gewicht der Arthroskopieoptik verringert und ein präzises Greifen sowie eine präzise Handhabbarkeit ermöglicht werden
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Arthrex, ein Pionier in der Nanoarthroskopie, hat die nächste Generation entworfen – das NanoNeedle Scope. Dank seinem biegsamen Instrumentarium verleiht es Operateur:innen die Flexibilität, um Patient:innen besser behandeln zu können. Das NanoNeedle Scope ist eine Alternative zur MRT-Bildgebung und Second-Look-Arthroskopie und ermöglicht eine präzise, bildgeführte Darstellung von Injektionen.

Eigenschaften des NanoNeedle Scope:

  • Drei verschiedene Längen (125, 180, 250 mm) zur Optimierung der Nanoarthroskopie während unterschiedlichen Eingriffen.
  • Das Design bietet dank der Chip-on-Tip-Technologie und ohne einen herkömmlichen Kamerakopf ein dynamisches, „echtes“ nadelähnliches Gefühl für präzises Manövrieren in allen Gelenkräumen
  • Ergonomischer Kamera-Hub, ähnlich wie bei den SutureLasso-Produkten
  • 0° Blickrichtung, 120° Sichtfeld mit halbstarrem Design, sodass Operateur:innen die Kamerarichtung fühlen und steuern können
  • Optimierte Positionierung der Kamera- und Videoaufnahmetasten auf dem Bildaufnahme-Dongle an einem leichten Kabel 1 m vom NanoNeedle Scope entfernt, wodurch das Gewicht der Arthroskopieoptik verringert und ein präzises Greifen sowie eine präzise Handhabbarkeit ermöglicht werden
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Evolution From Traditional Arthroscopy to Nano Technology

Vonda Wright, MD
Case Presentation - Videos | 09:11 | English | 11/22/2022 | VID1-003660-en-US A
Operative NanoNeedle Scope Surgery Using Local Anesthesia

Operative NanoNeedle Scope Surgery Using Local Anesthesia

OP-Anleitungen | English | 05/02/2022 | LI1-000125-en-US B
Comprehensive NanoNeedle Arthroscopy Portfolio
Comprehensive NanoNeedle Arthroscopy Portfolio
Sanj Kakar, MD
Produktdemonstrationsvideos | 03:57 | English | 09/07/2022 | VID1-003150-en-US A
Introduction to the NanoNeedle Scope and Knee Arthroscopy Local Protocol
Introduction to the NanoNeedle Scope and Knee Arthroscopy Local Protocol
Matt Daggett, DO
Produktdemonstrationsvideos | 07:32 | English | 09/07/2022 | VID1-003236-en-US A
Diagnostic NanoNeedle Scope Arthroscopy Using Local Anesthesia
Diagnostic NanoNeedle Scope Arthroscopy Using Local Anesthesia
OP-Anleitungen | English | 04/19/2024 | LI1-000124-en-US C
Diagnostic Subtalar and Peroneal Arthroscopy Using the NanoNeedle Scope and Nano Sabre Shaver
Diagnostic Subtalar and Peroneal Arthroscopy Using the NanoNeedle Scope and Nano Sabre Shaver
Matthew Brant, DPM
Videos - OP-Anleitung | 04:31 | English | 09/09/2022 | VID1-003257-en-US A

Videos - OP-Anleitung (18)

Targeted Over-the-Top TFCC Repair Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Targeted Over-the-Top TFCC Repair Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Sanj Kakar, MD
14:44 | English | 08/01/2024 | VID1-006505-en-US A
Subacromial Decompression, Bursectomy, and Distal Clavicle Excision Using Nano Arthroscopy
Subacromial Decompression, Bursectomy, and Distal Clavicle Excision Using Nano Arthroscopy
Brian Wallace, DO
04:23 | English | 08/01/2024 | VID1-006369-en-US A
Elbow Arthroscopy Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Elbow Arthroscopy Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
John Zvijac, MD
10:19 | English | 08/01/2024 | VID1-006009-en-US A
Benefits of the NanoNeedle Scope for Visualizing Ankle Instability
Benefits of the NanoNeedle Scope for Visualizing Ankle Instability
Ryan B. Rigby, DPM
08:45 | English | 07/31/2024 | VID1-006503-en-US A
Diagnostic Shoulder Scope Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Diagnostic Shoulder Scope Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Matt Daggett, DO
03:38 | English | 08/03/2023 | VID1-003608-en-US A
NanoScopic™ Thumb CMC and Finger Joint Arthroscopy
NanoScopic™ Thumb CMC and Finger Joint Arthroscopy
Sanj Kakar, MD
11:58 | English | 08/03/2023 | VID1-003571-en-US A
NanoScopic™ Biceps Tenodesis Using the NanoNeedle Scope System and Knotless FiberTak® Soft Anchor
NanoScopic™ Biceps Tenodesis Using the NanoNeedle Scope System and Knotless FiberTak® Soft Anchor
Matt Daggett, DO
04:25 | English | 08/03/2023 | VID1-003618-en-US A
NanoScopic™ DRUJ Portal Technique
NanoScopic™ DRUJ Portal Technique
Sanj Kakar, MD
10:30 | English | 08/03/2023 | VID1-003570-en-US A
Benefits of the NanoScope™ System for Trauma and Fracture Management
Benefits of the NanoScope™ System for Trauma and Fracture Management
Christopher Hodgkins, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 06:52 | English | 02/02/2021 | VID1-001769-en-US A
Meniscal Repair Options Using the NanoScope™ System Presented by Dr. Michael J. Stuart at TPC
Meniscal Repair Options Using the NanoScope™ System Presented by Dr. Michael J. Stuart at TPC
Michael J. Stuart, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 08:30 | English | 11/18/2020 | VID1-001216-en-US A
Lateral Meniscal Repair Using the NanoScope™ Micro Arthroscopy System and FiberStitch™ Implant
Lateral Meniscal Repair Using the NanoScope™ Micro Arthroscopy System and FiberStitch™ Implant
Mark Frame, MB ChB
Surgical Technique Videos | 12:51 | English | 09/21/2020 | VID1-001436-en-US B
DRUJ Arthroscopic Technique Using the NanoScope™ System
DRUJ Arthroscopic Technique Using the NanoScope™ System
Sanj Kakar, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 04:16 | English | 06/16/2020 | VID1-000164-en-US D
Thumb CMC Arthroscopic Technique Using the NanoScope™ System
Thumb CMC Arthroscopic Technique Using the NanoScope™ System
Sanj Kakar, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 03:27 | English | 06/15/2020 | VID1-000162-en-US C
Carpal and Midcarpal Arthroscopic Technique Using the NanoScope™ System
Carpal and Midcarpal Arthroscopic Technique Using the NanoScope™ System
Sanj Kakar, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 04:48 | English | 06/15/2020 | VID1-000163-en-US D
Posterior Ankle and Subtalar Joint Arthroscopy With FHL Tendoscopy Using the NanoScope™ Visualization System
Posterior Ankle and Subtalar Joint Arthroscopy With FHL Tendoscopy Using the NanoScope™ Visualization System
Phinit Phisitkul, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 17:41 | English | 06/03/2020 | VID1-001060-en-US A
1st MTP Arthroscopy and Debridement Using the NanoScope™ Visualization System
1st MTP Arthroscopy and Debridement Using the NanoScope™ Visualization System
Phinit Phisitkul, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 06:05 | English | 04/29/2020 | VID1-000930-en-US A
NanoScope™ Camera for Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy
NanoScope™ Camera for Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy
John G. Kennedy, FRCS, MD
Surgical Technique Videos | 11:16 | English | 04/07/2020 | VID1-000720-en-US A
Nano Arthroscopy - Meniscal Debridement
Nano Arthroscopy - Meniscal Debridement
Matt Daggett, DO
Surgical Technique Videos | 11:30 | English | 01/24/2020 | VID1-000501-en-US A

OP-Anleitungen (5)

Operative NanoNeedle Scope Surgery Using Local Anesthesia
Operative NanoNeedle Scope Surgery Using Local Anesthesia
English | 05/02/2022 | LI1-000125-en-US B
Nano Arthroscopy Knee Portal
Nano Arthroscopy Knee Portal
English | 11/24/2020 | LT1-000022-en-US C
Foot and Ankle Nano Arthroscopy
Foot and Ankle Nano Arthroscopy
English | 12/05/2019 | LT1-000038-en-US A

510Ks (2)

510K Arthrex NanoScope System
510K Arthrex NanoScope System
English | 01/26/2023 | K201134 A
510K Arthrex NanoScope System
510K Arthrex NanoScope System
English | 07/25/2019 | K190645 A

Benutzerhandbücher, Montageanleitungen und Spezifikationen (2)

Broschüren (5)

NanoNeedle Scope Arthroscopy System
NanoNeedle Scope Arthroscopy System
English | 02/17/2025 | LB1-000011-en-US M
Arthrex Armour Technology Protection
Arthrex Armour Technology Protection
English | 06/04/2024 | LB1-00141-en-US J
NanoScope™ Nano Operative Arthroscopy System
NanoScope™ Nano Operative Arthroscopy System
English | 07/20/2021 | evLB1-000011-en-US A

Case Presentation - Videos (12)

Wide-Awake Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Using the Disposable NanoScopic™ Release System
Wide-Awake Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Using the Disposable NanoScopic™ Release System
Asif M. Ilyas, MD
06:35 | English | 03/11/2025 | VID1-007310-en-US A
Nano Elbow Arthroscopy Case Presentation
Nano Elbow Arthroscopy Case Presentation
John Zvijac, MD
03:55 | English | 01/31/2025 | VID1-007007-en-US A
Capitellum ORIF Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Capitellum ORIF Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Alexander M. Crespo, MD
07:04 | English | 12/02/2024 | VID1-006711-en-US A
NanoNeedle Scope for Hip Fracture Management
NanoNeedle Scope for Hip Fracture Management
Daniel Segina, MD
02:16 | English | 11/05/2024 | VID1-006665-en-US A
Comparison Study of Nano Arthroscopy and Conventional Arthroscopy
Comparison Study of Nano Arthroscopy and Conventional Arthroscopy
Chad Lavender, MD
05:41 | English | 07/08/2024 | VID1-004257-en-US A
Partial Meniscectomy Using Nano Arthroscopy vs Standard Knee Arthroscopy
Partial Meniscectomy Using Nano Arthroscopy vs Standard Knee Arthroscopy
Chad Lavender, MD
06:15 | English | 03/09/2023 | VID1-003805-en-US A
Navicular Reduction and Internal Fixation Using Nano Arthroscopy
Navicular Reduction and Internal Fixation Using Nano Arthroscopy
Kevin D. Martin, DO
02:40 | English | 01/04/2023 | VID1-003476-en-US A
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System for a Trauma Case
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System for a Trauma Case
Kevin D. Martin, DO
05:55 | English | 07/01/2021 | VID1-002324-en-US A
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System - ACL Repair of a Femoral Avulsion in a Young Adult
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System - ACL Repair of a Femoral Avulsion in a Young Adult
Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 05:58 | English | 06/03/2020 | VID1-000762-en-US A
Intraoperative Use of the NanoScope™ System During a Hip Labral Repair
Intraoperative Use of the NanoScope™ System During a Hip Labral Repair
Benjamin G. Domb, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 05:18 | English | 04/29/2020 | VID1-000923-en-US A
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy of the Shoulder
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy of the Shoulder
Chad Lavender, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 05:10 | English | 04/07/2020 | VID1-000742-en-US A
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System Cases
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System Cases
John G. Kennedy, FRCS, MD
Case Presentation Videos | 06:48 | English | 02/19/2020 | VID1-000718-en-US A

Kataloge (1)

Poster (1)

NanoScope Arthroscopy System Quick Start Guide
NanoScope Arthroscopy System Quick Start Guide
English | 07/09/2019 | BR1-000131-en-US B

Presentation Videos (2)

Ankle Nano Arthroscopy Applications
Ankle Nano Arthroscopy Applications
Christopher Hodgkins, MD
04:12 | English | 01/23/2020 | VID1-000644-en-US A
The Future of Minimally Invasive Arthroscopy
The Future of Minimally Invasive Arthroscopy
Asheesh Bedi, MD
15:33 | English | 08/09/2019 | VID1-000212-en-US A

Produktdemonstrationsvideos (20)

NanoNeedle Nano Operative Arthroscopy System
NanoNeedle Nano Operative Arthroscopy System
02:30 | English | 01/25/2024 | AN1-000015-en-US C
Innovation Through Diagnostic Arthroscopy Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Innovation Through Diagnostic Arthroscopy Using the NanoNeedle Scope System
Matt Daggett, DO
01:15 | English | 01/19/2024 | VID1-004095-en-US A
Performing Wide-Awake Arthroscopy Using the Nano Arthroscopy System
Performing Wide-Awake Arthroscopy Using the Nano Arthroscopy System
Matt Daggett, DO
01:57 | English | 01/19/2024 | VID1-004094-en-US A
The Nano Experience: Benefits of Adopting Nano Arthroscopy
The Nano Experience: Benefits of Adopting Nano Arthroscopy
Matt Daggett, DO
02:09 | English | 01/19/2024 | pVID1-004096-en-US A
Nano Arthroscopy Patient Highlight: Rachel Schmitt
Nano Arthroscopy Patient Highlight: Rachel Schmitt
Matt Daggett, DO
00:59 | English | 03/21/2023 | VID1-003793-en-US A
Nano Arthroscopy Patient Highlight: Dennis Seck
Nano Arthroscopy Patient Highlight: Dennis Seck
Matt Daggett, DO
01:07 | English | 03/21/2023 | VID1-003794-en-US A
Nano Arthroscopy Patient Highlight: Garet Arnold
Nano Arthroscopy Patient Highlight: Garet Arnold
Matt Daggett, DO
01:13 | English | 03/21/2023 | VID1-003795-en-US A
NanoNeedle Scope System
NanoNeedle Scope System
01:10 | English | 03/10/2023 | VID1-003698-en-US A
NanoNeedle Camera Product Demonstration
NanoNeedle Camera Product Demonstration
Ryan Kellar
Product Demonstrations | 05:47 | English | 12/02/2022 | VID1-003683-en-US A
Using the NanoNeedle Scope in Minimally Invasive Arthroscopy
Using the NanoNeedle Scope in Minimally Invasive Arthroscopy
Kevin D. Martin, DO
Product Demonstrations | 11:49 | English | 10/17/2022 | VID1-003202-en-US A
NanoGrip Camera Overview
NanoGrip Camera Overview
Ryan Kellar
Product Demonstrations | 05:29 | English | 02/24/2021 | VID1-001860-en-US A
Meniscal Repair Using the NanoScope™ System and All-Inside Meniscal Cinch™ II Technique
Meniscal Repair Using the NanoScope™ System and All-Inside Meniscal Cinch™ II Technique
Orr Limpisvasti, MD
Product Demonstrations | 04:59 | English | 10/23/2020 | VID1-000462-en-US B
Carpal and Midcarpal Technique Using the NanoScope™ System
Carpal and Midcarpal Technique Using the NanoScope™ System
Sanj Kakar, MD
Product Demonstrations | 08:16 | English | 10/08/2020 | VID1-000333-en-US C
Introduction to the NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System
Introduction to the NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System
Asheesh Bedi, MD
Product Demonstrations | 11:36 | English | 10/08/2020 | VID1-000165-en-US D
NanoScope™ Nano Operative Arthroscopy System
NanoScope™ Nano Operative Arthroscopy System
Product Demonstrations | 02:52 | English | 09/28/2020 | AN1-000076-en-US A
2 mm Nano Instrumentation for Knee Arthroscopy
2 mm Nano Instrumentation for Knee Arthroscopy
Thomas M. DeBerardino, MD
Product Demonstrations | 06:37 | English | 09/02/2020 | VID1-000548-en-US C
How the NanoScope™ System Impacts Sports Medicine Innovation
How the NanoScope™ System Impacts Sports Medicine Innovation
Paul C. Brady, MD
Product Demonstrations | 10:55 | English | 06/25/2020 | VID1-000022-en-US E
Benefits of the NanoScope™ System in Hand and Wrist Arthroscopy
Benefits of the NanoScope™ System in Hand and Wrist Arthroscopy
A.J. Mencias, MD
Product Demonstrations | 12:43 | English | 06/16/2020 | VID1-000312-en-US B
Using the NanoScope™ System in the Foot and Ankle
Using the NanoScope™ System in the Foot and Ankle
James McWilliam, MD
Product Demonstrations | 06:33 | English | 06/15/2020 | VID1-000307-en-US B
NanoScope™ Nano Operative Arthroscopy System
NanoScope™ Nano Operative Arthroscopy System
Product Demonstrations | 02:38 | English | 04/23/2020 | AN1-000075-en-US A

SpeedPearls (1)

SpeedPearl: Creating Initial Portals for Nano Arthroscopy in the Elbow
SpeedPearl: Creating Initial Portals for Nano Arthroscopy in the Elbow
John Zvijac, MD
00:55 | English | 02/20/2025 | VID1-006987-en-US A

Testimonials (6)

How the NanoScope™ System Will Revolutionize Small Joint Arthroscopy
How the NanoScope™ System Will Revolutionize Small Joint Arthroscopy
Sanj Kakar, MD
01:40 | English | 06/16/2020 | VID1-000094-en-US C
Introduction of NanoScope™ Technology In Hand and Wrist Arthroscopy
Introduction of NanoScope™ Technology In Hand and Wrist Arthroscopy
Sanj Kakar, MD
01:40 | English | 04/16/2020 | sVID1-000094-en-US A
NanoScope™ Arthroscopy Highlight With Matt Daggett, DO
NanoScope™ Arthroscopy Highlight With Matt Daggett, DO
Matt Daggett, DO
02:09 | English | 02/04/2020 | VID1-000641-en-US B
James McWilliam, MD
01:41 | English | 10/01/2019 | VID1-000308-en-US A
Hand and Wrist NanoScope™ Arthroscopy Highlight
Hand and Wrist NanoScope™ Arthroscopy Highlight
01:19 | English | 07/09/2019 | VID1-000309-en-US A
NanoScope™ Micro Arthroscopy System
NanoScope™ Micro Arthroscopy System
Paul C. Brady, MD
01:48 | English | 07/09/2019 | VID1-000024-en-US B

Videos - Serien (1)

BreakThrough™ with Christopher Adams, MD – Episode 13, NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System
BreakThrough™ with Christopher Adams, MD – Episode 13, NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System
Christopher Adams, MD | Matt Daggett, DO | Sanj Kakar, MD | Brian Gilmer, MD
19:52 | English | 03/12/2020 | VID1-000952-en-US A

Wissenschaftsupdate (1)

NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System Scientific Updates
NanoScope™ Operative Arthroscopy System Scientific Updates
English | 06/04/2020 | DOC1-000226-en-US B